Data Reference


The following documents every data class modelled by the library and all its potential attributes, it will only have the attributes queried, attempting to access unqueried (and therefore non-existent) attributes will result in it raising an AttributeError or a KeyError depending on the context.


accept_members: bool

Whether or not the alliance is accepting members

acceptmem: bool

Whether or not the alliance is accepting memebers [deprecated]

acronym: str

The alliance’s acronym

alliance_positions: List[AlliancePosition]

All positions in the alliance

aluminum: Optional[float]

How much aluminum the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

bankrecs: List[Bankrec]

List of the alliance’s bank records in the past 14 days. This field will not return alliance to alliance transactions unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

bauxite: Optional[float]

How much bauxite the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

coal: Optional[float]

How much coal the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

color: str

The color bloc the alliance is on

date: datetime.datetime

The date and time the alliance was founded

Link to the alliance’s Discord server

flag: str

Link to the alliance’s flag in Politics and War

food: Optional[float]

How much food the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

Link to the alliance’s forum

Link to the alliance’s forum [deprecated]

gasoline: Optional[float]

How much gasoline the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

id: int

The alliance’s id

Link to the alliance’s Internet Relay Chat (IRC) [deprecated]

iron: Optional[float]

How much iron the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

lead: Optional[float]

How much lead the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

money: Optional[float]

How much money the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

munitions: Optional[float]

How much munitions the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

name: str

The alliance’s name

nations: List[Nation]

List of nations in the alliance (includes applicants)

oil: Optional[float]

How much oil the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

received_treaties: List[Treaty]

Treaties the alliance has received and approved [deprecated]

score: float

The alliance’s current score

sent_treaties: List[Treaty]

Treaties the alliance has sent and that were approved [deprecated]

steel: Optional[float]

How much steel the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

tax_brackets: Optional[List[TaxBracket]]

List of the alliance’s tax brackets. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in this alliance.

taxrecs: Optional[List[Bankrec]]

List of the alliance’s tax records in the past 14 days. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

treaties: List[Treaty]

Treaties the alliance has active or pending

uranium: Optional[float]

How much uranium the alliance has in its bank. This field will return null unless you are in this alliance and have access to view its bank.

Link to the alliance’s wiki page


accept_applicants: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can accept applicants into the alliance

alliance_id: int

ID of the alliance the position belongs to

change_permissions: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can edit the permissions of other positions

creator_id: int

The nation ID of the nation that created the position

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time the position was created

date_modified: datetime.datetime

Date and time the position was last modified

edit_alliance_info: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can edit the alliance’s information (description, flag, links, etc.)

heir: bool

Whether or not the position is the game’s default heir position

id: int

ID of the position (0 = default applicant, 232 = default member, 231 = default officer, 230 = default heir, 229 = default leader)

last_editor_id: int

The nation ID of the nation the last edited the position

leader: bool

Whether or not the position is the game’s default leader position

manage_announcements: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can manage announcements

manage_embargoes: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can start and end embargoes

manage_market_share: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can view, propose, and cancel market sharing agreements

manage_treaties: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can view, send, cancel, and reject treaties

member: bool

Whether or not the position is the game’s default member position

name: str

Name of the position

officer: bool

Whether or not the position is the game’s default officer position

permissions: int

Integer representation of the binary permissions (read right to left in the Alliance Positions table; checked = 1, unchecked = 0)

position_level: int

Integer value corresponding to the position’s level (0-9; 3 = default member, 5 = default officer, 8 = default heir, 9 = default leader)

post_announcements: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can post announcements

promote_self_to_leader: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can promote themselves to leader

remove_members: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can remove members from the alliance

see_reset_timers: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can view military reset times of members

see_spies: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can view spy counts of members

tax_brackets: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can view and edit tax brackets

view_bank: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can view the bank

withdraw_bank: bool

Whether or not nations with the position can withdraw from the bank



An enumeration.

HEIR = 4


key: str

The API key itself

max_requests: int

Max requests per day the key is allowed (generally 2,000 for non-VIP nations and 15,000 for VIP nations)

nation: Nation

Nation the API key belongs to

requests: int

The number of requests made to the API using the key for the day



An enumeration.

NAVAL = 11
NUKE = 9
PEACE = 13


away_id: int

ID of the away team

away_nation: Nation

Nation visiting

away_nation_id: int

ID of the nation visiting

away_score: int

Number of runs scored by the away team

away_team: BBTeam

The away team

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time that the game was played

highlights: str

Entire HTML table of the game’s results

home_id: int

ID of the home team

home_nation: Nation

Nation hosting the game

home_nation_id: int

ID of the nation hosting the game

home_revenue: float

Revenue made by the home team from their stadium

home_score: int

Number of runs scored by the home team

home_team: BBTeam

The home team

id: int

ID of the baseball game

open: int

Whether the game is open (1) or not (0)

sim_text: str

Seems to be just a string that states “Game simulated.”

spoils: float

How much the winning team earned

stadium_name: str

Name of the stadium the game was played in (the home stadium)

wager: float

How much was wagered on the game


age: int

The age of the player

awareness: float

The player’s awareness

batting: float

The player’s batting ability

birthday: int

1 turn = 5 days for baseball players)


Days until the player’s next birthday (note

date: datetime.datetime

Currently the date and time of the team’s founding, possibly meant to be the date and time the player was added to the team

id: int

ID of the baseball player

name: str

The name of the player

nation: Nation

Nation they belong to

nation_id: int

ID of the nation they belong to

overall: float

The player’s overall performance (average of the player’s three relevant skills)

pitching: float

The player’s pictching ability

position: str

The players position

speed: float

The player’s speed

team: BBTeam

The team they play for

team_id: int

ID of the team they play for


away_jersey: str

Link to the team’s away jersey

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time the team was founded

games: List[BBGame]

List of games the team has played

games_played: int

Number of games the team has played

glosses: int

How many games the team has lost

home_jersey: str

Link to the team’s home jersey

homers: int

How many home runs the team has hit

id: int

ID of the team

Link to the team’s logo

name: str

Name of the team

nation: Nation

Nation the team belongs to

nation_id: int

ID of the nation the team belongs to

players: List[BBPlayer]

List of players on the team

quality: int

Quality level of the team’s home stadium

rating: float

Average overall rating of the players on the team

runs: int

How many runs the team has scored

seating: int

Seating level of the team’s home stadium

stadium: str

Name of the home stadium of the team

strikeouts: int

How many times the team made opponents strike out

wins: int

How many games the team has won


aluminum: float

Aluminum sent in the transaction

banker_id: int

ID of the banker

bauxite: float

Bauxite sent in the transaction

coal: float

Coal sent in the transaction

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time of the record

food: float

Food sent in the transaction

gasoline: float

Gasoline sent in the transaction

id: int

ID of the bank record

iron: float

Iron sent in the transaction

lead: float

Lead sent in the transaction

money: float

Money sent in the transaction

munitions: float

Munitions sent in the transaction

note: str

Note attached to the bank record

oil: float

Oil sent in the transaction

pid: int

ID of the banker [deprecated]

receiver_id: int

ID of the receiver (nation or alliance)

receiver_type: int

Whether the receiver is a nation (1) or alliance (2)

recipient_id: int

ID of the receiver (nation or alliance) [deprecated]

recipient_type: int

Whether the receiver is a nation (1) or alliance (2) [deprecated]

rid: int

ID of the receiver (nation or alliance) [deprecated]

rtype: int

Whether the receiver is a nation (1) or alliance (2) [deprecated]

sender_id: int

ID of the sender (nation or alliance)

sender_type: int

Whether the sender is a nation (1) or alliance (2)

sid: int

ID of the sender (nation or alliance) [deprecated]

steel: float

Steel sent in the transaction

stype: int

Whether the sender is a nation (1) or alliance (2) [deprecated]

tax_id: int

Tax ID associated with the bank record (for tax records)

uranium: float

Uranium sent in the transaction


amount: int

Amount of the bounty

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time the bounty was posted

id: int

ID of the bounty

nation: Nation

Nation the bounty is on

nation_id: int

ID of the nation the bounty is on

type: BountyType

An enumeration representing the bounty’s type (“ORDINARY”, “ATTRITION”, “RAID”, or “NUCLEAR”)



An enumeration.

RAID = 2


airforcebase: int

Number of hangars [deprecated]

aluminum_refinery: int

Number of aluminum refineries

aluminumrefinery: int

Number of aluminum refineries [deprecated]

bank: int

Number of banks

barracks: int

Number of barracks

bauxite_mine: int

Number of bauxite mines

bauxitemine: int

Number of bauxite mines [deprecated]

coal_mine: int

Number of coal mines

coal_power: int

Number of coal power plants

coalmine: int

Number of coal mines [deprecated]

coalpower: int

Number of coal power plants [deprecated]

date: datetime.datetime

Date the city was founded

drydock: int

Number of drydocks

factory: int

Number of (tank) factories

farm: int

Number of farms

gasrefinery: int

Number of oil refineries [deprecated]

hangar: int

Number of hangars

hospital: int

Number of hospitals

id: int

ID of the city

infrastructure: float

Current infrastructure level in the city

iron_mine: int

Number of iron mines

ironmine: int

Number of iron mines [deprecated]

land: float

Current land level in the city

lead_mine: int

Number of lead mines

leadmine: int

Number of lead mines [deprecated]

mall: int

Number of shopping malls [deprecated]

munitions_factory: int

Number of munitions factories

munitionsfactory: int

Number of munitions factories [deprecated]

name: str

Name of the city

nation: Nation

Nation the city is in

nation_id: int

ID of the nation the city is in

nuclear_power: int

Number of nuclear power plants

nuclearpower: int

Number of nuclear power plants [deprecated]

nuke_date: Optional[datetime.datetime]

Date the city was last nuked

nukedate: Optional[datetime.datetime]

Date the city was last nuked [deprecated]

oil_power: int

Number of oil power plants

oil_refinery: int

Number of oil refineries

oil_well: int

Number of oil wells

oilpower: int

Number of oil power plants [deprecated]

oilwell: int

Number of oil wells [deprecated]

police_station: int

Number of police stations

policestation: int

Number of police stations [deprecated]

powered: bool

Whether or not the city is powered

recycling_center: int

Number of recycling centers

recyclingcenter: int

Number of recycling centers [deprecated]

shopping_mall: int

Number of shopping malls

stadium: int

Number of stadiums

steel_mill: int

Number of steel mills

steelmill: int

Number of steel mills [deprecated]

subway: int

Number of subways

supermarket: int

Number of supermarkets

uramine: int

Number of uranium mines [deprecated]

uranium_mine: int

Number of uranium mines

wind_power: int

Number of wind power plants

windpower: int

Number of wind power plants [deprecated]


bloc_name: str

The current name of the color bloc

color: str

The color itself (“white”, “green”, etc.)

turn_bonus: int

The turn bonus for nations currently on the color bloc



An enumeration.



game_date: datetime.datetime

The current date and time in-game

radiation: Radiation

Current radiation figures in-game


adv_city_planning: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Advanced Urban Planning project [deprecated]

adv_engineering_corps: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Advanced Engineering Corps project [deprecated]

advanced_engineering_corps: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Advanced Engineering Corps project

advanced_urban_planning: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Advanced Urban Planning project

aircraft: int

Number of aircraft the nation has

aircraft_casualties: int

How many aircraft the nation has lost

aircraft_kills: int

How many aircraft the nation has killed

alliance: Alliance

The nation’s alliance

alliance_id: int

ID of the alliance the nation is currently in (returns 0 if None)

alliance_position: AlliancePositionEnum

Enumeration representing the position of the nation in their alliance (“NOALLIANCE”, “APPLICANT”, “MEMBER”, “OFFICER”, “HEIR”, or “LEADER”)

alliance_position_id: int

ID of the nation’s position in their alliance

alliance_position_info: AlliancePosition

The nation’s alliance position

alliance_seniority: int

How many days the nation has been in their alliance

aluminum: Optional[float]

Amount of aluminum currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

arable_land_agency: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Arable Land Agency project

arms_stockpile: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Arms Stockpile project

armss: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Arms Stockpile project [deprecated]

baseball_team: BBTeam

The nation’s baseball team

bauxite: Optional[float]

Amount of bauxite currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

bauxite_works: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Bauxiteworks project

bauxitew: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Bauxiteworks project [deprecated]

beige_turns: int

Number of turns the nation has left in beige

beigeturns: int

Number of turns the nation has left in beige [deprecated]

bounties: List[Bounty]

List of bounties currently on the nation

center_for_civil_engineering: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Center for Civil Engineering project

central_intelligence_agency: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Central Intelligence Agency project

cfce: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Center for Civil Engineering project [deprecated]

cia: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Central Intelligence Agency project [deprecated]

cities: List[City]

List of the nation’s cities

city_planning: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Urban Planning project [deprecated]

clinical_research_center: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Clinical Research Center project

coal: Optional[float]

Amount of coal currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

color: str

The color the nation is on (“white”, “green”, etc.)

continent: str

Abbreviation/acronym for the continent the nation is on (“na” for North America, “sa” for South America, “as” for Asia, “an” for Antarctica, “eu” for Europe, “af” for Africa, “au” for Australia)

credits: Optional[int]

Number of credits currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

date: datetime.datetime

The date and time that the nation was founded

defensive_wars: List[War]

List of defensive wars the nation has been involved in within the past 14 days [deprecated]

discord: str

The Discord username of the nation

domestic_policy: DomesticPolicy

Enumeration representing the domestic policy the nation is currently on (“MANIFEST_DESTINY”, “OPEN_MARKETS”, “TECHNOLOGICAL_ADVANCEMENT”, “IMPERIALISM”, “URBANIZATION”, or “RAPID_EXPANSION”)

dompolicy: str

The domestic policy the nation is on [deprecated]

egr: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Emergency Gasoline Reserve project [deprecated]

emergency_gasoline_reserve: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Emergency Gasoline Reserve project

espionage_available: bool

Whether or not the nation can have an espionage operation performed on them

fallout_shelter: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Fallout Shelter project

flag: str

Link to the nation’s flag in-game

food: Optional[float]

Amount of food currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

gasoline: Optional[float]

Amount of gasoline currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

government_support_agency: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Government Support Agency project

green_tech: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Green Technologies project [deprecated]

green_technologies: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Green Technologies project

gross_domestic_product: float

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the nation

gross_national_income: float

Gross National Income (GNI) of the nation

id: int

ID of the nation

international_trade_center: bool

Whether or not the nation has the International Trade Center project

iron: Optional[float]

Amount of iron currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

iron_dome: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Iron Dome project

iron_works: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Ironworks project

irond: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Iron Dome project [deprecated]

ironw: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Ironworks project [deprecated]

itc: bool

Whether or not the nation has the International Trade Center project [deprecated]

last_active: datetime.datetime

The date and time that the nation was last active

lead: Optional[float]

Amount of lead currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

leader_name: str

Name of the nation’s leader

mass_irrigation: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Mass Irrigation project

massirr: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Mass Irrigation project [deprecated]

metropolitan_planning: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Metropolitan Planning project

military_salvage: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Military Salvage project

missile_casualties: int

How many missiles the nation has launched

missile_kills: int

How many missiles the nation has eaten/received

missile_launch_pad: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Missile Launch Pad project

missiles: int

Number of missiles the nation has

mlp: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Missile Launch Pad project [deprecated]

money: Optional[float]

Amount of money currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

money_looted: float

How much money the nation has looted across all wars

moon_landing: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Moon Landing project

munitions: Optional[float]

Amount of munitions currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

nation_name: str

Name of the nation

nrf: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Nuclear Research Facility project [deprecated]

nuclear_research_facility: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Nuclear Research Facility project

nuke_casualties: int

How many nukes the nation has launched

nuke_kills: int

How many nukes the nation has eaten/received

nukes: int

Number of nukes the nation has

num_cities: int

Number of cities the nation has

offensive_wars: List[War]

List of offensive wars the nation has been involved in within the past 14 days [deprecated]

oil: Optional[float]

Amount of oil currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

pirate_economy: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Pirate Economy project

population: int

Population of the nation

project_bits: int

Ironworks, Bauxiteworks, Arms Stockpile, Emergency Gasoline Reserve, Mass Irrigation, International Trade Center, Missile Launch Pad, Nuclear Research Facility, Iron Dome, Vital Defense System, Central Intelligence Agency, Center for Civil Engineering, Propaganda Bureau, Uranium Enrichment Program, Urban Planning, Advanced Urban Planning, Space Program, Spy Satellite, Moon Landing, Pirate Economy, Recycling Initiative, Telecommunications Satellite, Green Technologies, Arable Land Agency, Clinical Research Center, Specialized Police Training Program, Advanced Engineering Corps, Government Support Agency, Research and Development Center, Resource Production Center, Metropolitan Planning, Military Salvage, Fallout Shelter


Integer representing the binary string of projects the nation has in this order (note


binary is read right to left, so if the nation has ironworks it will be a 1 at the rightmost bit)

projects: int

Number of projects the nation has

propaganda_bureau: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Propaganda Bureau project

propb: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Propaganda Bureau project [deprecated]

recycling_initiative: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Recycling Initiative project

research_and_development_center: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Research and Development Center project

resource_production_center: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Resource Production Center project

score: float

The nation’s score

ship_casualties: int

How many ships the nation has lost

ship_kills: int

How many ships the nation has killed

ships: int

Number of ships the nation has

soldier_casualties: int

How many soldiers the nation has lost

soldier_kills: int

How many soldiers the nation has killed

soldiers: int

Number of soldiers the nation has

space_program: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Space Program project

specialized_police_training: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Specialized Police Training Program project [deprecated]

specialized_police_training_program: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Specialized Police Training Program project

spies: Optional[int]

Number of spies the nation has. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

spy_casualties: int

How many spies the nation has lost

spy_kills: int

How many spies the nation has killed

spy_satellite: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Spy Satellite project

steel: Optional[float]

Amount of steel currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

tank_casualties: int

How many tanks the nation has lost

tank_kills: int

How many tanks he nation has killed

tanks: int

Number of tanks the nation has

tax_id: int

The nation’s tax ID

taxrecs: Optional[List[Bankrec]]

List of the nation’s tax records within the last 14 days. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

telecom_satellite: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Telecommunications Satellite project [deprecated]

telecommunications_satellite: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Telecommunications Satellite

treasures: List[Treasure]

List of treasures the nation has

turns_since_last_city: int

Number of turns since the nation has last purchased a city

turns_since_last_project: int

Number of turns sine the nation has last purchased a project

uap: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Uranium Enrichment Program project [deprecated]

update_tz: Optional[float]

The nation’s update timezone. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation.

uranium: Optional[float]

Amount of uranium currently held by the nation. This field will return null unless you are an officer or higher in the same alliance as this nation, and this nation allows alliance bank access or you are this nation

uranium_enrichment_program: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Uranium Enrichment Program project

urban_planning: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Urban Planning project

vacation_mode_turns: int

Number of turns the nation has left in vacation mode

vds: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Vital Defense System project [deprecated]

vital_defense_system: bool

Whether or not the nation has the Vital Defense System project

vmode: int

Number of turns the nation has left in vacation mode [deprecated]

war_policy: WarPolicy

Enumeration representing the war policy the nation is currently on (“ATTRITION”, “TURTLE”, “BLITZKRIEG”, “FORTRESS”, “MONEYBAGS”, “PIRATE”, “TACTICIAN”, “GUARDIAN”, “COVERT”, or “ARCANE”)

warpolicy: str

The war policy the nation is on [deprecated]

wars: List[Bankrec]

List of wars the nation has been involved in within the past 14 days

wars_lost: int

How many wars the nation has lost

wars_won: int

How many wars the nation has won




africa: float

Radiation levels in Africa

antarctica: float

Radiation levels in Antarctica

asia: float

Radiation levels in Asia

australia: float

Radiation levels in Australia

europe: float

Radiation levels in Europe

global_: float

Global radiation levels

north_america: float

Radiation levels in North America

south_america: float

Radiation levels in South America


alliance: Alliance

Alliance the tax bracket belongs to

alliance_id: int

ID of the alliance the tax bracket belongs to

bracket_name: str

Name of the tax bracket

date: datetime.datetime

The date and time the tax bracket was created

date_modified: datetime.datetime

The date and time the tax bracket was last modified

id: int

ID of the tax bracket

last_modifier: Nation

Nation that last modified the tax bracket

last_modifier_id: int

ID of the nation that last modified the tax bracket

resource_tax_rate: int

Rate at which resources are taxed on the tax bracket

tax_rate: int

Rate at which money is taxed on the tax bracket


accepted: bool

Whether or not the offer has been accepted

buy_or_sell: str

Whether the offer is a buy offer or a sell offer (“buy” or “sell”)

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time the trade was posted

date_accepted: datetime.datetime

Date and time the offer was accepted

id: int

ID of the trade

offer_amount: int

Amount of the resource being sold/bought

offer_resource: str

Which resource the offer is for

original_trade_id: int

ID of the trade before it was accepted

price: int

Price per unit (PPU) that the resource is being sold/bought for

receiver: Nation

Nation of the buyer

receiver_id: int

ID of the nation buying

recipient_id: int

ID of the nation buying [deprecated]

rid: int

ID of the nation buying [deprecated]

sender: Nation

Nation of the seller

sender_id: int

ID of the nation selling

sid: int

ID of the nation selling [deprecated]

total: int

Price per unit (PPU) that the resource is being sold/bought for [deprecated]

type: TradeType

An enumeration representing the type of trade (returns “GLOBAL”, “PERSONAL”, or “ALLIANCE”)



An enumeration.



aluminum: float

Average price of aluminum

bauxite: float

Average price of bauxite

coal: float

Average price of coal

credits: float

Average price of credits

date: datetime.datetime

Date the data was pulled (generally once a day)

food: float

Average price of food

gasoline: float

Average price of gasoline

id: int

ID of the trade price data

iron: float

Average price of iron

lead: float

Average price of lead

munitions: float

Average price of munitions

oil: float

Average price of oil

steel: float

Average price of steel

uranium: float

Average price of uranium


bonus: int

Bonus provided by the treasure to the nation holding it

color: str

What color bloc the treasure spawns on

continent: str

What continent the treasure spawns on

name: str

Name of the treasure

nation: Nation

Nation currently holding the treasure

nation_id: int

ID of the nation currently holding the treasure

spawn_date: datetime.datetime

The date the treasure spawned in

spawndate: datetime.datetime

The date the treasure spawned in [deprecated]


alliance1: Alliance

Alliance sending the treaty

alliance1_id: int

ID of the alliance sending the treaty

alliance2: Alliance

Alliance receiving the treaty

alliance2_id: int

ID of the alliance receiving the treaty

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time the treaty was accepted

id: int

ID of the treaty

treaty_type: str

What type of treaty it is (MDP, ODP, protectorate etc.)

treaty_url: str

Link to the treaty if provided

turns_left: int

Number of turns the treaty has left until it expires


air_superiority: int

ID of the nation that currently has air superiority (0 if neither)

airsuperiority: int

ID of the nation that currently has air superiority (0 if neither) [deprecated]

att_aircraft_killed: int

How many aircraft the attacker has destroyed

att_alliance_id: int

ID of the alliance the attacking nation belongs to

att_alum_used: int

How much aluminum the attacker has used

att_fortify: bool

Whether or not the attacker has fortified

att_gas_used: float

How much gasoline the attacker has used

att_id: int

ID of the attacking nation

att_infra_destroyed: float

How much infrastructure the attacker has destroyed

att_infra_destroyed_value: float

The value of infrastructure destroyed by the attacker

att_missiles_used: int

How many missiles the attacker has launched

att_money_looted: float

How much money the attacker has looted

att_mun_used: float

How many munitions the attacker has used

att_nukes_used: int

How many nukes the attacker has launched

att_peace: bool

Whether or not the attacker is offering peace

att_points: int

How many Military Action Points (MAPs) the attacker has

att_resistance: int

Remaining attacker resistance

att_ships_killed: int

How many ships the attacker has destroyed

att_soldiers_killed: int

How many soldiers the attacker has killed

att_steel_used: int

How much steel the attacker has used

att_tanks_killed: int

How many tanks the attacker has destroyed

attacker: Nation

Attacking nation

attacks: List[WarAttack]

List of attacks performed

attid: int

ID of the attacking nation [deprecated]

attpeace: bool

Whether or not the attacker is offering peace [deprecated]

attpoints: int

How many Military Action Points (MAPs) the attacker has [deprecated]

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time the war was declared

def_aircraft_killed: int

How many aircraft the defender has destroyed

def_alliance_id: int

ID of the alliance the defending nation belongs to

def_alum_used: int

How much aluminum the defender has used

def_fortify: bool

Whether or not the defender has fortified

def_gas_used: float

How much gasoline the defender has used

def_id: int

ID of the defending nation

def_infra_destroyed: float

How much infrastructure the defender has destroyed

def_infra_destroyed_value: float

The value of infrastructure destroyed by the defender

def_missiles_used: int

How many missiles the defender has launched

def_money_looted: float

How much money the defender has looted

def_mun_used: float

How many munitions the defender has used

def_nukes_used: int

How many nukes the defender has launched

def_peace: bool

Whether or not the defender is offering peace

def_points: int

How many Military Action Points (MAPs) the defender has

def_resistance: int

Remaining defender resistance

def_ships_killed: int

How many ships the defender has destroyed

def_soldiers_killed: int

How many soldiers the defender has killed

def_steel_used: int

How much steel the defender has used

def_tanks_killed: int

How many tanks the defender has destroyed

defender: Nation

Defending nation

defid: int

ID of the defending nation [deprecated]

defpeace: bool

Whether or not the defender is offering peace [deprecated]

defpoints: int

How many Military Action Points (MAPs) the defender has [deprecated]

ground_control: int

ID of the nation that currently has ground control (0 if neither)

groundcontrol: int

ID of the nation that currently has ground control (0 if neither) [deprecated]

id: int

ID of the war

naval_blockade: int

ID of the nation that currently has the other blockaded (0 if neither)

navalblockade: int

ID of the nation that currently has the other blockaded (0 if neither) [deprecated]

reason: str

Reason given for the war

turns_left: int

How many turns are left until the war expires

turnsleft: int

How many turns are left until the war expires [deprecated]

war_type: WarType

Enumeration representing the war’s type (“ORDINARY”, “ATTRITION”, or “RAID”)

winner: int

ID of the nation that won the war (0 if neither due to peace or expiration) [deprecated]

winner_id: int

ID of the nation that won the war (0 if neither due to peace or expiration)


aircraft_killed_by_tanks: int

How many aircraft the attacker destroyed in the attack using tanks (only applies to ground attacks when the attacker has ground control, otherwise 0)

att_gas_used: float

How much gasoline the attacker used in the attack

att_id: int

ID of the nation performing the attack

att_mun_used: float

How many munitions the attacker used in the attack

attacker: Nation

Nation that performed the attack

attcas1: int

Number of main units lost by the attacker (soldiers if ground attack, planes if airstrike, ships if naval attack)

attcas2: int

Number of secondary units lost by the attacker (only used for tanks in ground attacks)

attid: int

ID of the nation performing the attack [deprecated]

city_id: int

ID of the city the attack affected

city_infra_before: float

How much infrastructure was in the city prior to the attack

cityid: int

ID of the city the attack affected [deprecated]

date: datetime.datetime

Date and time of the attack

def_gas_used: float

How much gasoline the defender used in the attack

def_id: int

ID of the nation the attack was against

def_mun_used: float

How many munitions the defender used in the attack

defcas1: int

Number of main units lost by the defender (soldiers if ground attack, planes if airstrike, ships if naval attack)

defcas2: int

Number of secondary units lost by the defender (only used for tanks in ground attacks or units targeted by an airstrike)

defender: Nation

Nation the attack was against

defid: int

ID of the nation the attack was against [deprecated]

id: int

ID of the attack

improvements_lost: int

Number of improvements destroyed in the attack (0-2)

improvementslost: int

Number of improvements destroyed in the attack (0-2) [deprecated]

infra_destroyed: float

Infrastrucutre destroyed in the affected city

infra_destroyed_value: float

Value of infrastructure destroyed in the attack

infradestroyed: float

Infrastrucutre destroyed in the affected city [deprecated]

loot_info: str

contains “r” and “n” for HTML formatting)


String containing the entire text stating what the winner looted (note

money_stolen: float

Money stolen in the attack

moneystolen: float

Money stolen in the attack [deprecated]

resistance_eliminated: int

Resistance eliminated by the attack

success: int

Number representing the level of success of the attack (0 - utter failure, 1 - pyrrhic victory, 2 - moderate success, 3 - immense triumph)

type: AttackType


victor: int

ID of the nation that won the attack (defender if utter failure, attacker otherwise)

war: War

War the attack was performed in

war_id: int

ID of the war the attack was performed in

warid: int

ID of the war the attack was performed in [deprecated]



An enumeration.




An enumeration.

RAID = 2